Desember 20, 2021






Juli 12, 2019


Hello, future owners..
Saya Lucia. Saya adalah freelancer writer pernah mengerjakan tugas kuliah untuk kebutuhan klien yang sedang membutuhkan dan atau tidak ada waktu untuk multitasking

Menerima jasa pengerjaan tugas kuliah dengan kriteria sebagai berikut: 

  • Bisa mengerjakan tugas kuliah seperti membuat esai dan Statement of Purpose (SOP) di WORD, presentasi tergantung mata kuliah di PPT untuk presentasi.
  • Bisa menjawab pertanyaan atas materi kuliah, seperti soal dan jawaban ACCOUNTING/FINANCE/SDM/ENGLISH/MATH/etc... 
  • Bisa mengerjakan tugas kuliah dalam bahasa Indonesia dan English
  • Pengerjaan tugas kuliah tergantung banyaknya materi dan halaman 
  • Harga jasa pengerjaan tugas kuliah dapat dinegoisasikan tergantung waktu pengerjaannya
  • Kecepatan pengerjaan dan harga bergantung pada tingkat kerumitan sebuah tugas kuliah
  • Contoh tulisan esai tentang Stuart Literature bisa dilihat pada halaman ini <hasil tulisan saya>

  • Batasan revisi hanya 1x selama proses pengerjaan
  • Dapat dilakukan pembayaran downpayment 50%
  • File output berupa softfile WORD/PPT, yang akan dikirim melalui email pemesan
Yuk, segera lampirkan tugas kuliah dalam bentuk PDF/MS Word/MS PPT ke email saya. Feel free to reach out at should you have further interests or inquiries related to the price list of this services :) 
Sekian dari saya. Ditunggu kerjasamanya, ya, future owners!


Hello, future owners..
Saya Lucia. Saya adalah freelancer writer pernah mengerjakan business proposal plan (proposal rencana bisnis) dan collaboration proposal (proposal penawaran kerjasama) tentang setiap usaha yang bergerak di berbagai bidang, seperti kesehatan, transportasi, kosmetik, hotel, restoran, dan banyak lainnya. 

Menerima jasa pembuatan dan penulisan proposal dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:
  • Proposal usaha atau bisnis (bisa juga proposal perencanaan bisnis)
Isi Bab:
a)    Ringkasan Eksekutif
b)    Latar Belakang Usaha
c)     Produk dan Jasa
d)     Analisis Industri dan Pasar
e)     Strategi Pemasaran
f)      Strategi Operasional
g)     Strategi Pengembangan
h)     Manajemen
i)     Tawaran kepada Investor
j)     Rencana Keuangan

  • Proposal penawaran kerjasama
Isi Bab:
a)    Ringkasan Eksekutif
b)    Latar Belakang Usaha
c)    Produk dan Jasa
d)    Tujuan Penawaran
e)    Perkiraan rencana keuangan
f)     Kesimpulan
  •        Batasan revisi hanya 1x selama proses pengerjaan
  •        Dapat dilakukan pembayaran downpayment 50%
  •        File output berupa softfile WORD/PPT, yang akan dikirim melalui email pemesan
  •       Jasa desain business plan hanya dijual BUKAN proses cetak fisik 
Kecepatan pengerjaan dan harga bergantung pada tingkat kerumitan data berupa proposal tersebut yang berbentuk MS Word dan MS PPT (bisa ditulis dalam Bahasa dan English) 
Proposal usaha atau bisnis dan proposal penawaran kerjasama bisa ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dari seseorang yang ingin membuka usaha baru dan atau menjalankan usaha yang sedang berjalan selama 1 tahun

FYI, ini hanya proposal rencana bisnis dan kerjasama doang, Tidak menerima jasa penulisan/pembuatan skripsi berisi konten business plan
Yuk, segera lampirkan MS Word berisi permintaan Anda tentang kebutuhan apa saja untuk membuka dan atau menjalankan usaha yang Anda miliki. Feel free to reach out at should you have further interests or inquiries related to the price list of this services :) 
Sekian dari saya. Ditunggu kerjasamanya, ya, future owners!

Mei 01, 2019

Highlight ''Free-Spirit Person''

I like to be a free spirit. Some don’t like that, but 

that’s the way I am.

– Princess Diana-

''You’re Independent''

  • While it’s important to be compassionate, part of being a free spirit is making your own decisions and living your life how you choose.
  • Going with your own flow and creating your lifestyle. Having your own mind and faith in your abilities.
  • Making your own choices, being self-aware, and being able to think for yourself
  • Embracing what you want to do and doing it, regardless of other people’s opinions.

''You Travel When You Want To''

  • Being a free spirit means just that – your spirit, mind, and body are free to roam wherever they like.
  • Travel was so important that I was willing to cut those ties in pursuit of my own happiness.
  • If this isn’t resonating with you and you have no interest in travel, swap it for something that does matter to you. Maybe you love going to sports games or have a real passion for hiking. 
  • Free spirits know when to be selfish and put themselves first – if something matters to you, pursue it.

''You Have Your Own Hobbies and Interests''
  • Compassion is important. Something may not interest you, but if it interests someone you love, you should make an effort to get involved with it.
  • Care about other people’s hobbies and get involved in them. And expect the exact same thing in return. 
  • You should feel free to explore and enjoy whatever interests you, and you are more than right to expect support from those who love you. 
  • Sure, your hobbies are for yourself, but it’s always nice to be able to share them with those around you, even if they’re not as passionate about them as you are.
  • Find what interests you and pursue it, whatever it is.
  • Having your own passions and your own world to enjoy. Either let people join your quest for happiness as mentioned above, or accept the judgement and do it anyway.

''You Enjoy Your Own Company''

  • Aligning your mind and body is something that becomes really important to you as a free spirit.
  • Doing things that make you happy, being satisfied with being alone, and actively craving time on your own is all healthy and does not make you antisocial.
  • Making decisions for yourself and either embracing those who accept that or moving on to things and people that better serve you.
  • Either way, your mind will be actively seeking new pleasures, even if your circumstances stay pretty much the same.

''You Love Yourself ''

  • Being comfortable in your own skin, pursuing things that make you happy, and letting go of those that no longer serve you.
  • Taking responsibility for your actions and setting yourself free from anything that is holding you back.
  • Family and friends can be grounding, but you should never feel trapped.
  • Wandering from opportunity to opportunity or just enjoying the moment and letting go.
  • Having no fear and testing the limits of your comfort zone
  • Challenging yourself and making the most of every situation that may benefit you.
  • Looking after your own needs, and nourishing your mind and body however you can.


  1. To be a free spirit is to refuse to be tamed by fear of any kind. You feel it, as we all do, but you stand tall despite it and keep moving forward. Nothing– no person nor outer or inner force– will keep you from expressing your authentic self.
  2. To be a free spirit means you’re pulled in certain directions in a very deep and meaningful way. This is a sign that you have a deep understanding, and, therefore, appreciation for those things you have a connection to.
  3. Try leaving an unplanned weekend, for starters, and use the time to get out of the house and do something you’ve never done before.
  4. Learning to let some things go in life before they hold you back or weigh you down. As a free spirit, you can certainly still worry about and fight for things that matter. If something seems to be holding you back rather than helping you achieve your dreams, however, it might be time to let it go.
  5. Take advantage of opportunities to be spontaneous. There are many ways to learn and experience new things. A free spirit will seek out these opportunities:
  • Travel to a place you’ve never been before.
  • Try a new type of cuisine.
  • Get up and dance, right now, whether or not there’s any music.
  • Do a routine activity in a different way. Take a different way home for instance, or have your morning coffee on a walk rather than sitting at your breakfast table or in your car.
  • Offer free hugs.
  • Strike up a conversation with a stranger when you’re standing in line at a store—you never know what you might learn, or who you might meet.
  • Take up a new hobby or try to learn a new skill, and don’t be afraid of failing, or of what others will think.

      6. Learning to Be Positive:
  • Sit up straight. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose. You should feel the hand on your belly raise, but the hand on your chest should not move. Breathe out slowly, with your mouth barely open. Use your hand on your belly to push air out, if you want. Repeat this exercise ten times.
  • Quickly inhale and exhale through your nose (about three breaths a second), keeping your mouth closed. Then breathe normally. Repeat this process for fifteen seconds or more.
  • Remember that flaws, including physical imperfections, are part of what makes each person unique. Be proud of what makes you unique, and don’t constantly worry about being the same as others.

    7. Practice compassion. This includes being as forgiving to yourself as you would be to others. If            you are able to accept others for who they are, extend the same compassion to yourself.

    8. Practice tolerance. By being tolerant of other people, you will free your mind and emotions. Be          ready to accept differences in other people, and always ask yourself how you would feel or                  think if you were in their place.

   9. Enjoy significantly greater happiness when you spend your money on experiences, rather than             material goods.

In summary:
  • You have an immense passion to live a whole and fulfilling life
  • You desire freedom above all else
  • You're not afraid of being a lone wolf
  • You have a lust for adventure (whether internally, externally, or both)
  • You're willing to go beyond your comfort zone
  • You accept instability and a lack of security as a way of life
  • You're independent-minded
  • You can be volatile and capricious
  • You don't tolerate needy, clingy, judgemental or controlling people
  • You tend to be an unconventional thinker
  • You have a unique personal style
  • You're a "rule breaker"
  • You're artistic
  • You thirst for truth
  • You're an innovative dreamer

Januari 30, 2019

Essay : Stuart Literature - How Did The Tudors Pay For Government?

Tudor Parliaments were an essential aspect of English government and administration in the sixteenth century. In fact, 16th century government did less than 21st century governments because they are the Reformation Parliament of 1529-1536. They have existed longer than any previous Parliament by enacting a serious of statutes, which transformed the relationship between the English Crown, the English people and the Church, as well as formally incorporating the principality of Wales into the kingdom of England. 
In 16th century, tax was smaller proportion of Gross National Product (GNP) for public sector, i.e. tiny bureaucracy or civil service and so forth. The biggest expenses in peace time are that king or queen and family, household, palaces, defence and other things. Although law and order were an obvious part of government, it was in the hands of unpaid officers. It is clear that they were not realised when armies had to be raised for war or to suppress their disorder.

Tudor monarchs were expected to live off their own income, i.e. crown lands, feudal dues, and customs duties. Their subjects were expected to pay ‘extraordinary’ revenue in emergencies, such as war scare or rebellions. That revenue was ordinary, but it was not enough. In form of direct taxes were assessed on property and income. Even in peace time, Elizabeth needed such grants from Parliament. Although 16th government were increasingly under-financed in her reign, that revenue was not keeping pace with inflation.

Extraordinary revenue, such as forced loans, benevolences and tax granted, which was needed by Parliament didn’t cover war costs. King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth had to use own resources and borrow their money heavily. This has put a long-term burden on future income. Tudors made no permanent additions to Crown’s financial resources. But, monarchs could not access the financial resources of better off citizens. Incomes of rich heavily is also under-assessed when direct taxes were granted in the end of 16th century. Moreover, indirect tax is lower than other of European states.

Local government finances unlike those of 21stcentury. The example of what local government finances have done badly was regular rate payments in 16th century limited to poor relief, especially charity was funded, which is the most of it. During 16th century government, ordinary income has been risen from £100,00 to £300,000. Prices has been quadrupled in the same period. King Henry VI has dissipated the royal demesne, which was the land held by the Crown. The Yorkist kings and King Henry VII also has continued restoring it. Crown lands and customs revenues has been established as the most important sources of revenues.

King Henry VII has ensured that none of his feudal dues were overlooked, i.e. wardship, marriage and relief. He has also received the ‘profits of justice’, which was the fines from law courts, fee farms from corporate towns in return for their privileges, and the profits from royal mint. These profits were traded on his own account. Moreover, he has accepted the French pension from French Government and exploited his right of purveyance.

After all, King Henry VII’s government were not well-endowed so they have made a surplus gradually by restrained spending especially avoiding wars. Even as early parliament gave extraordinary have been granted and there was a forced loan. These were mainly to pay for struggle against Simnel and Warbeck and to pay for expeditions to Scotland, Brittany and France. These payday loan has been alarmed by the Cornish rebellion of 1497, which was a popular uprising by the people of Cornwall. They have wanted to raise money for a campaign against Scotland. Until the 2nd half of his reign, he has felt that it was better to ‘live of his own’.

King Henry VII has actually funded from subsidy, plundered in the Church and the Great Debasement. His main costs were wars and palace building, which was a part of subsidy. That subsidy has been introduced as a more productive tax alternative to the ‘fifteenth an tenth’, which was a tax on movable property granted by parliament on special occasions. Royal attempts to tax individual incomes have rarely been allowed by parliament until 1513.

‘Subsidy’ has been firstly granted to pay for King Henry’s first French war. Subsidies has also been granted in addition to ‘fifteenth and tenth’, which must be covered for only 1/3 of war’s costs. Since 1334, ‘15th and 10th century’ had declined to fixed amounts for each locality. But, subsidies has not represented the ability of the rich to pay. In the 1522-1525, Henry VII has been collected any forced loan for second war. Subsidies has been granted since 1523, but so far it is short of what Wolsey has wanted. This affected a subsequent demand for gift of ‘Amicable Grant’, which has been withdrawn due to protest.

Not just that, defence spending has also risen in 1530th century due to break with Rome. In 1536, Cromwell’s solutions were to confiscate the Church property. He has set up the Court of Augmentations to receive the proceeds. Since 1536-1544, he has taken the amount of money, which were the average of £112,000 per annum from his former monasteries. Many wars of 1540s has led to sale of much monastic lands, which were rapidly consumed. So Henry VII has thrown away for a chance to permanently double an ordinary Crown income.

In 1542-1546, the last war cost were £2 million. Extraordinary incomes has been provided for £1 million, i.e. subsidies, forced loan and two benevolences. The balances have been acquired through ordinary revenue, loan from Antwerp exchange and sale of monastic land. This has started the Great Debasement of coinage to make money for the war. Moreover, Duke of Somerset also has continued these money in reign of Edward VI. Duke of Northumberland’s peace policy has also led to measure of financial recovery and reduction of government debt.

Queen Elizabeth I’s finances has been enhanced by the new Book of Rates, which were compiled at end of Mary’s reign. These finances were created by increasing the customs duties and extended number of dutiable goods. Customs revenues were £29,000 in 1556-1557 has risen to £83,000 in 1558-1559. The new reign has not continued such financial enterprises. Actually, Queen Elizabeth and Lord Burghley were stabilisers, not innovators.

Even though the prices of it have risen, they have allowed the vital sources of income to stagnate. But, the yields has been declined in real terms, the rents for Crown tenants has not been increased in line with inflation. Not just that, Crown lands has also been sold for quick cash so future revenues might be decreased. Fortunately, Elizabeth has come to rely on subsidy to manage well as even in peace time.

In contrast to her timing, the value of subsidy has felt. This affect to the shire tax assessors, who were reluctant to correctly assess income of rich neighbours. Despite inflation, nobility has been assessed at less than under Henry VIII. Thus, it has been needed for grants of subsidies in war for years after 1585. Of which it, four subsidies have successfully been granted over as many years. These subsidies, forced loans and benevolences have been covered less than half and half cost of war. Beside of these, other revenues, such as vacant sees, recusant fines, prize money and other unpopular devices such as ship money, purveyance and sale of monopolies have also been covered.

But, Parliament government has failed to properly tap its major income sources. Lack of means were forced by Queen Elizabeth to strictly economise. In lieu of many salaries that she used for various forms of patronage to reward her household and government employees. The example of rewards were gifts of land, tax farms, wardships and monopolies. Patronage sometimes regarded as tantamount to revenue for the Crown, i.e. it has reduced salary bill. Even there was never enough to satisfy all aspirants. These gifts sometimes could be reduced by Crown resources and in case of monopolies could have serious political repercussions.

Central government has not been funded by regular guaranteed income because they have not been protected against inflation. The ordinary and extraordinary income have varied in amount. King Henry VII only was a Tudor monarch, who has not died in debt. The major cause was the wars, which royal subjects have reluctant to fund. Modest but frequent subsidies, which it has been granted even for Queen Elizabeth’s ‘popular’ war against Spain might be resented, especially to the subjects, who had to provide ships or ship money and ‘coat and conduct’ money for the English armies.

In the war and peace, parliament government has financed according to how much money the people could be persuaded to surrender. Not all parliament grants were collected due to passive resistance. Tudors had few means of coercion because its government has feared resistance. Tudors have relied on unpaid officers to govern the regions, e.g. the sheriffs, the Justice of Peace or JPs and the constables. This might be serviced by the ruling classes, which were one reason for not asking them to pay higher taxes because their support was indispensable.

Until in the 1536, monarchs were happy for local affairs to be largely controlled by local men, who were supervised by Privy Council. As a result, they have gotten the only rate, which was a poor rate. That rate has been levied only in emergencies. The Borough and parish authorities have made levies from well-off for specific local purposes, such as militia, road, bridge repairs and other things, which were no regular funding. It is very clear that Tudor ‘paternalism’ has been a parental interest in subjects’ well-being. Absolutely, it has been derived from concern for law and order.

It is concluded that Tudors have paid for government in response to rebellion by doing the five ways that involved:

1    1.    Buy Time means Tudor governments had limited resources available to them, e.g. no police force and limited money. Their main weapon was their claim to be legitimate ruler anointed with holy oil and chosen by God. Therefore, the traitors were also condemned as sinners. Governments sought to buy time until they have enough troops to call the rebels’ bluff and then they would declare battle. More battles were expensive and uncertain, however they were generally avoided. Therefore, many pardons were offered often on the eve of Battle. 
     The example of it were rebels at Stoke (Simnel) and Blackheath (Cornish) were offered pardons on the eve of battle. Pilgrimage of Grace 1536, King Henry VIII allowed the Duke of Norfolk to negotiate. Western Rebellion has been led by Duke of Somerset, who sent a series of letters to the rebel camp urging them to desist offering them a free pardon if they did.

2.      Propaganda was widely used by governments in trying to persuade rebels to give up and return home. Beside of it, they have also used written propaganda, which it had limited impact as most could not read. Instead, it was designed to reinforce moral of the government. 

Examples are that Cromwell has employed a team of writers to condemn rebellion in 1536. King Henry VIII personally has replied to the letters where he has defended his policies. But, the Cranmer has attacked the rebels during 1549 and the Somerset has also sent preachers to appeal at their camp on Mousehold Heath, near Norwich.

3.      Pre-emptive Measures were used by Monarchs to weaken the power of rebels before they became too dangerous. Examples are that King Henry VII has used a papal bull to ex-communicate the rebels on the eve of the Battle of Stoke and Blackheath to encourage many rebels to surrendered rather than risk eternal damnation. Queen Mary has also sent letters prior to the outbreak of the Wyatt rebellion denouncing the plot. Queen Elizabeth has heard some rumours in the summer in 1569 that there are several disgruntled nobles. Then, Queen Elizabeth has acted quickly and Norfolk has denied permission to marry. Mary has also moved 30 miles south to Coventry.

4.      The decision to raise troops was not taken lightly. It was expensive and if they were not paid they were as much a threat as the rebels themselves. They always relied on the nobility and gentry to provide retainers. The examples of what they has been doing were the Somerset had to carefully deploy his troops as he faced rebellion across the country. They had to focus on those near London, which is why the Western and Kett’s took so long to suppress. This was also why he was the only ruler to employ foreign mercenaries. King Henry VII also took action against retaining as for him, it threatened his throne in those years immediately after war.

5.      Trials and retribution were two reasons that those rebels who indulged and knew that the penalty, were death, but not all rebels were subsequently executed. The examples of it were King Henry VII was quietly lenient often using bonds, recognisances, attainders and fines. In the reign of King Henry VIII, Amicable Grant 18 have taken for trial and then might be released and paid for their compensation. In Elizabeth’s reign,  300 villages has burned and 450 of 700 rebels has been executed in New England.