Januari 30, 2019

Essay : Stuart Literature - How Did The Tudors Pay For Government?

Tudor Parliaments were an essential aspect of English government and administration in the sixteenth century. In fact, 16th century government did less than 21st century governments because they are the Reformation Parliament of 1529-1536. They have existed longer than any previous Parliament by enacting a serious of statutes, which transformed the relationship between the English Crown, the English people and the Church, as well as formally incorporating the principality of Wales into the kingdom of England. 
In 16th century, tax was smaller proportion of Gross National Product (GNP) for public sector, i.e. tiny bureaucracy or civil service and so forth. The biggest expenses in peace time are that king or queen and family, household, palaces, defence and other things. Although law and order were an obvious part of government, it was in the hands of unpaid officers. It is clear that they were not realised when armies had to be raised for war or to suppress their disorder.

Tudor monarchs were expected to live off their own income, i.e. crown lands, feudal dues, and customs duties. Their subjects were expected to pay ‘extraordinary’ revenue in emergencies, such as war scare or rebellions. That revenue was ordinary, but it was not enough. In form of direct taxes were assessed on property and income. Even in peace time, Elizabeth needed such grants from Parliament. Although 16th government were increasingly under-financed in her reign, that revenue was not keeping pace with inflation.

Extraordinary revenue, such as forced loans, benevolences and tax granted, which was needed by Parliament didn’t cover war costs. King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth had to use own resources and borrow their money heavily. This has put a long-term burden on future income. Tudors made no permanent additions to Crown’s financial resources. But, monarchs could not access the financial resources of better off citizens. Incomes of rich heavily is also under-assessed when direct taxes were granted in the end of 16th century. Moreover, indirect tax is lower than other of European states.

Local government finances unlike those of 21stcentury. The example of what local government finances have done badly was regular rate payments in 16th century limited to poor relief, especially charity was funded, which is the most of it. During 16th century government, ordinary income has been risen from £100,00 to £300,000. Prices has been quadrupled in the same period. King Henry VI has dissipated the royal demesne, which was the land held by the Crown. The Yorkist kings and King Henry VII also has continued restoring it. Crown lands and customs revenues has been established as the most important sources of revenues.

King Henry VII has ensured that none of his feudal dues were overlooked, i.e. wardship, marriage and relief. He has also received the ‘profits of justice’, which was the fines from law courts, fee farms from corporate towns in return for their privileges, and the profits from royal mint. These profits were traded on his own account. Moreover, he has accepted the French pension from French Government and exploited his right of purveyance.

After all, King Henry VII’s government were not well-endowed so they have made a surplus gradually by restrained spending especially avoiding wars. Even as early parliament gave extraordinary have been granted and there was a forced loan. These were mainly to pay for struggle against Simnel and Warbeck and to pay for expeditions to Scotland, Brittany and France. These payday loan has been alarmed by the Cornish rebellion of 1497, which was a popular uprising by the people of Cornwall. They have wanted to raise money for a campaign against Scotland. Until the 2nd half of his reign, he has felt that it was better to ‘live of his own’.

King Henry VII has actually funded from subsidy, plundered in the Church and the Great Debasement. His main costs were wars and palace building, which was a part of subsidy. That subsidy has been introduced as a more productive tax alternative to the ‘fifteenth an tenth’, which was a tax on movable property granted by parliament on special occasions. Royal attempts to tax individual incomes have rarely been allowed by parliament until 1513.

‘Subsidy’ has been firstly granted to pay for King Henry’s first French war. Subsidies has also been granted in addition to ‘fifteenth and tenth’, which must be covered for only 1/3 of war’s costs. Since 1334, ‘15th and 10th century’ had declined to fixed amounts for each locality. But, subsidies has not represented the ability of the rich to pay. In the 1522-1525, Henry VII has been collected any forced loan for second war. Subsidies has been granted since 1523, but so far it is short of what Wolsey has wanted. This affected a subsequent demand for gift of ‘Amicable Grant’, which has been withdrawn due to protest.

Not just that, defence spending has also risen in 1530th century due to break with Rome. In 1536, Cromwell’s solutions were to confiscate the Church property. He has set up the Court of Augmentations to receive the proceeds. Since 1536-1544, he has taken the amount of money, which were the average of £112,000 per annum from his former monasteries. Many wars of 1540s has led to sale of much monastic lands, which were rapidly consumed. So Henry VII has thrown away for a chance to permanently double an ordinary Crown income.

In 1542-1546, the last war cost were £2 million. Extraordinary incomes has been provided for £1 million, i.e. subsidies, forced loan and two benevolences. The balances have been acquired through ordinary revenue, loan from Antwerp exchange and sale of monastic land. This has started the Great Debasement of coinage to make money for the war. Moreover, Duke of Somerset also has continued these money in reign of Edward VI. Duke of Northumberland’s peace policy has also led to measure of financial recovery and reduction of government debt.

Queen Elizabeth I’s finances has been enhanced by the new Book of Rates, which were compiled at end of Mary’s reign. These finances were created by increasing the customs duties and extended number of dutiable goods. Customs revenues were £29,000 in 1556-1557 has risen to £83,000 in 1558-1559. The new reign has not continued such financial enterprises. Actually, Queen Elizabeth and Lord Burghley were stabilisers, not innovators.

Even though the prices of it have risen, they have allowed the vital sources of income to stagnate. But, the yields has been declined in real terms, the rents for Crown tenants has not been increased in line with inflation. Not just that, Crown lands has also been sold for quick cash so future revenues might be decreased. Fortunately, Elizabeth has come to rely on subsidy to manage well as even in peace time.

In contrast to her timing, the value of subsidy has felt. This affect to the shire tax assessors, who were reluctant to correctly assess income of rich neighbours. Despite inflation, nobility has been assessed at less than under Henry VIII. Thus, it has been needed for grants of subsidies in war for years after 1585. Of which it, four subsidies have successfully been granted over as many years. These subsidies, forced loans and benevolences have been covered less than half and half cost of war. Beside of these, other revenues, such as vacant sees, recusant fines, prize money and other unpopular devices such as ship money, purveyance and sale of monopolies have also been covered.

But, Parliament government has failed to properly tap its major income sources. Lack of means were forced by Queen Elizabeth to strictly economise. In lieu of many salaries that she used for various forms of patronage to reward her household and government employees. The example of rewards were gifts of land, tax farms, wardships and monopolies. Patronage sometimes regarded as tantamount to revenue for the Crown, i.e. it has reduced salary bill. Even there was never enough to satisfy all aspirants. These gifts sometimes could be reduced by Crown resources and in case of monopolies could have serious political repercussions.

Central government has not been funded by regular guaranteed income because they have not been protected against inflation. The ordinary and extraordinary income have varied in amount. King Henry VII only was a Tudor monarch, who has not died in debt. The major cause was the wars, which royal subjects have reluctant to fund. Modest but frequent subsidies, which it has been granted even for Queen Elizabeth’s ‘popular’ war against Spain might be resented, especially to the subjects, who had to provide ships or ship money and ‘coat and conduct’ money for the English armies.

In the war and peace, parliament government has financed according to how much money the people could be persuaded to surrender. Not all parliament grants were collected due to passive resistance. Tudors had few means of coercion because its government has feared resistance. Tudors have relied on unpaid officers to govern the regions, e.g. the sheriffs, the Justice of Peace or JPs and the constables. This might be serviced by the ruling classes, which were one reason for not asking them to pay higher taxes because their support was indispensable.

Until in the 1536, monarchs were happy for local affairs to be largely controlled by local men, who were supervised by Privy Council. As a result, they have gotten the only rate, which was a poor rate. That rate has been levied only in emergencies. The Borough and parish authorities have made levies from well-off for specific local purposes, such as militia, road, bridge repairs and other things, which were no regular funding. It is very clear that Tudor ‘paternalism’ has been a parental interest in subjects’ well-being. Absolutely, it has been derived from concern for law and order.

It is concluded that Tudors have paid for government in response to rebellion by doing the five ways that involved:

1    1.    Buy Time means Tudor governments had limited resources available to them, e.g. no police force and limited money. Their main weapon was their claim to be legitimate ruler anointed with holy oil and chosen by God. Therefore, the traitors were also condemned as sinners. Governments sought to buy time until they have enough troops to call the rebels’ bluff and then they would declare battle. More battles were expensive and uncertain, however they were generally avoided. Therefore, many pardons were offered often on the eve of Battle. 
     The example of it were rebels at Stoke (Simnel) and Blackheath (Cornish) were offered pardons on the eve of battle. Pilgrimage of Grace 1536, King Henry VIII allowed the Duke of Norfolk to negotiate. Western Rebellion has been led by Duke of Somerset, who sent a series of letters to the rebel camp urging them to desist offering them a free pardon if they did.

2.      Propaganda was widely used by governments in trying to persuade rebels to give up and return home. Beside of it, they have also used written propaganda, which it had limited impact as most could not read. Instead, it was designed to reinforce moral of the government. 

Examples are that Cromwell has employed a team of writers to condemn rebellion in 1536. King Henry VIII personally has replied to the letters where he has defended his policies. But, the Cranmer has attacked the rebels during 1549 and the Somerset has also sent preachers to appeal at their camp on Mousehold Heath, near Norwich.

3.      Pre-emptive Measures were used by Monarchs to weaken the power of rebels before they became too dangerous. Examples are that King Henry VII has used a papal bull to ex-communicate the rebels on the eve of the Battle of Stoke and Blackheath to encourage many rebels to surrendered rather than risk eternal damnation. Queen Mary has also sent letters prior to the outbreak of the Wyatt rebellion denouncing the plot. Queen Elizabeth has heard some rumours in the summer in 1569 that there are several disgruntled nobles. Then, Queen Elizabeth has acted quickly and Norfolk has denied permission to marry. Mary has also moved 30 miles south to Coventry.

4.      The decision to raise troops was not taken lightly. It was expensive and if they were not paid they were as much a threat as the rebels themselves. They always relied on the nobility and gentry to provide retainers. The examples of what they has been doing were the Somerset had to carefully deploy his troops as he faced rebellion across the country. They had to focus on those near London, which is why the Western and Kett’s took so long to suppress. This was also why he was the only ruler to employ foreign mercenaries. King Henry VII also took action against retaining as for him, it threatened his throne in those years immediately after war.

5.      Trials and retribution were two reasons that those rebels who indulged and knew that the penalty, were death, but not all rebels were subsequently executed. The examples of it were King Henry VII was quietly lenient often using bonds, recognisances, attainders and fines. In the reign of King Henry VIII, Amicable Grant 18 have taken for trial and then might be released and paid for their compensation. In Elizabeth’s reign,  300 villages has burned and 450 of 700 rebels has been executed in New England.

Januari 24, 2019

A Must-Eat Street Food in Jakarta

I always desired to hang out with my friends since we had made it a point to stop by a local festival in Jakarta. One of the local festivals is Jakarta food festival, simply known as an annual food event, was being held to celebrate on every June 22th. In a few years, the Jakarta Food Festival is built to communicate inspiration and gastronomic knowledge about the Indonesian street food culture to visitors of all ages.
I always loved to eat my favourite food since I had come to the street food stalls in every corner of Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) area. After watching music concert, I asked my friends to join me for dinner and they readily agreed. As I was about to dig into the food, a nice man sitting at the table next to me said: “It’s Kerak Telor”. Kerak Telor, simply known as egg crust, had become a must-have menu item for visitors at that event. Here I’m about to tell you about Kerak Telor and its history and philosophy.
Egg Crust
Kerak Telor is the most popular and authentic street foods for Jakartans. Kerak Telor is simply translated as Egg Crust or Rice Egg Snack. Kerak is mean crust and telor means eggs kerak, so that kerak telor is called ‘egg crust’. Egg Crust is a Betawi traditional spicy omelette dish in Indonesian cuisine. It is made from glutinous rice frittata (ketan putih) cooked with either duck or chicken egg, which can be fried in a pancake or an omelette shape. It is garnished with fried shredded or grated coconut (serundeng), fried shallots, dried salted shrimps (ebi) and some seasoning, like salt, spices, and pepper as topping. It is considered as a snack and not as a main dish. It is cooked over charcoal and placed in a pan as cooking appliance.
History and Philosophy of the Egg Crust
Years ago, Kerak Telor has been in existence since the days of the Dutch occupation. in the Colonial Era, Kerak telor or egg crust was a privileged food and was served in big parties for colonial government or the most opulent of Betawi folks. According to gastronomy expert Suryatini N. Ganie, kerak telor was created as a spicy omelette from glutinous rice with fried shredded coconut in order to make glutinous rice more scrumptious and satisfying. It was because of the abundance in coconut production that the locals would use it as an ingredient for various dishes.
It all began with an experiment, which started from the people of Betawi Menteng during who first created egg crust with different ingredients, such as glutinous rice, fried shredded coconut, spices, and egg. They then tested it out in their neighbourhood, and after gained a positive response, the combination was then offered to the public in the 1970s in the area around Monas. It unexpectedly became a rousing success.
Until now, egg crust vendors no longer dominated by native Jakartans, some of them come from Bandung, Padang, Tegal, Garut and Cimahi. Egg crust once again can be served on special occasions, such as Jakarta Birthday and Ramadhan.
Location of Famous Vendor
We were told that this egg crust is commonly found at some food courts in shopping center, some famous places in Jakarta and some special events. Especially at Jajan Betawi Village in La PiazzaMonas or National Monument, Ancol Beach, Spatodhea Park, Tebet Forest Park, Ragunan Zoo, Menteng Park, The Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (TMII) and Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism. We can also try this egg crust at two most famous vendors in South Jakarta, such as Bang Sape’I Kerak Telor at Kebagusan — Pasar Minggu Road, and Kerak Telor Bang Aris at Pasaraya Grande Dapuraya Road.
Furthermore, the Kemayoran area is the best bet for us to search out KerakTelor. We would like to find Kerak Telor hawkers lining up by the side of the street here. For those who are after a rather heavier meal or looking to sample Betawi food whilst surrounded by historic buildings, then your destination of choice would be Fatahillah Square or Batavia Museum in the Old Town. Otherwise, the one sold in Kerak Telor Lenggang Jakarta near PRJ area at South Merdeka Square Road is the best taste one.
The Price of Egg Crust
If we want to go to Kerak Telor Lenggang Jakarta, we will order that egg crust, which costs only Rp 15.000 — Rp 18.000 per person. While ordering the egg crust, we were told that there were two version of the egg crust depending on our taste. One is chicken egg that costs around Rp 15.000 and other is duck egg that costs around Rp 18.000. The difference between two versions is that the duck eggs is more delicious and flavorful than chicken eggs. But personally, we prefer the chicken eggs because it is healthier than the duck egg.
Ingredients and how to make the Egg Crust
This egg crust is being cooked when ordered, so it’s always freshly served with very good food smell that made we feel hungry. Started watching the cooking process, we learnt by taking a note that there is any ingredient can be put on the egg crust. Their ingredients are 100 grams white glutinous rice, which is being washed and soaked in water for approximately 2 hours to make it soft, four chicken or duck eggs, four tablespoons of fried onions, 5 tablespoons of Serundeng (dried and wet), four pieces of chili pepper, thinly sliced, three tea spoons of salt, two and one half tea spoons of pepper powder, two and one half tea spoons of sugar and four tablespoons of dried shrimp powder.
We were told that the egg crust is usually being cooked at around 10 to 15 minutes. Firstly, the ‘chef’ put a small amount of water and ketan or sticky rice on a small wok pan and heated it on top of the charcoal fire until hot enough egg crust. Secondly, he sprinkled over some browned crisped shallots, adds a lot of eggs over the top (chicken or duck), mixed that eggs with some sauce ingredients, such as garlic powder, salt and pepper, the dried coconut and fried chopped onions.
To make it well cooked, he turned around the wok upside down to the charcoal flame for about 5 minutes, whisked eggs and yolks with his fork, and smeared it all over the rice. After a couple of minutes, he directly turned over the egg crust and transfer from the pan to a plate. Lastly, the spicy serundeng (sweet grated coconut granule) with ebi (dried shredded salted shrimps) and fried shallots are then sprinkled on the omelette as a finishing touch.
We learnt about how to make egg crust as a small pan is needed to cook it without using oil. Once the egg crust is being served, we quickly ate it and felt like its texture more smooth, more puffed, sweet and savory, substantial but light enough to go down well as a pre-dinner snack.
This is what I love about the egg crust, it seems so industrial with the way it’s produced, and then when the friendly vendors sprinkle the shallots on at the end it seems as though they have made the perfect street food of Jakarta! Now let’s keep filling our tummy with the egg crust 😊

A Visit to the National Monument in Jakarta

I always desired to visit my favourite place, which is located at my city since I had heard that it is one of the historical monuments of Jakarta. On a college holiday, I asked my friends to take me for a visit to Monas and he readily agreed. On Saturday, we went to Monas on foot from Gambir Station. Gambir Station is located east to Monas, we had to walk quite a distance to find an entrance at the southern side of Monas. After walking the long road, we decided to take a Trans Jakarta bus.
One thing that I noticed immediately was that there was a guide tour named Sir Nursamin who leads us to the National Monument (Monas) and its surrounding buildings. Before we go to the historical museum room, we were told about the history of the construction of national monuments.
Indonesia’s National Monument or Monumen Nasional, fondly called the Monas, is the most famous historical building in Jakarta. Monas is also the Independence Monument at the Heart of Indonesia’s Capital. On the other side, it might also be the only iconic monument that was built by the 1st Indonesian president, Soekarno who has always been known for his taste of the art and culture.
Historically, Monas is a towering structure built to remember the struggle of Indonesian heroes fighting for the nation’s independence. It is located at the center of Jakarta, Jl. Pelataran Merdeka, Gambir, Center Jakarta, which is surrounded by the Jakarta’s largest public square known as the Merdeka Square or Medan Merdeka.

Monas or obelisk monument is a 132 metre tower in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. Monas is the official national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate and perpetuate the greatness of the struggle of the Indonesian Nation known as the Revolution of 17 August 1945. Not only Monas is as a vehicle to raise the spirit of patriotism of present and future generations, but Monas is also as a tourist attraction or the place of recreation.
Monas Monument was first designed by two Indonesian best architects named Friedrich Silaban and RM Soedarsono and began its construction on August 17th, 1961 under the command of President Seokarno. It was completed, inaugurated and opened to the public on July 12th, 1975 by President Soeharto. To date, Monas stands very solid covered with white paint on its body and gold colors that light up on its top.
Monas is topped as memorial tower by a 14.5 tons bronze Flame of Independence containing the lift engine. The base of the flame, in the shape of a goblet, is 3 metres high. The bronze flame was covered with 35 kg of gold foil. The flames are placed on the top of the monument symbolized as the spirit of the fiery Indonesian struggle. The towering form of the monument contains the philosophy of “Lingga and Yoni” which represented the unity in Indonesian history.
Monas Monument is built about the heights of the ‘fire’ and its crock on the top is 17 meters from the ground, and it is covered with gold in the basement, which is 8 meters deep and the width of the room size is 45 x 45 meters square. The inside of this wide room is decorated with twelve dioramas, which all tell stories about the fighting spirit of Indonesian heroes and people.

We knew that Monas is the largest park, which is surrounded by some statues of the national heroes as well as a vehicle free space for exercise. Especially in the morning, most locals visit Monas to jog, stroll, breath fresh air, see green landscape, play kites or simply have a family picnic.
At the exit of Monas in the night, we saw the fountain show of the Monas Tower with the colourful lights and white spotlight that shine the gold at the top make this National Monument Jakarta looked fantastic. We also enjoyed watching acrobatic stunts, kite-flying, riding tandem bikes, and exploring to Lenggang Jakarta, which consists of food stalls that sell from traditional foods and drinks, clothing vendor, accessories, souvenirs to herbal medicines.
We also went to pay a visit to Betawi Store that is located at the right side from the Lenggang Jakarta’s entry. Betawi Store was placed in a traditional Betawi house, which sells T-shirts, small pouch, snacks and traditional Betawi drink Bir Pletok with herbs and spices-based beverage with the average price of Rp 20.000 — Rp 200.000,-. After exploring Lenggang Jakarta and Betawi Store, we want to eat ice cream through going to the Ragusa Italian Ice Cream.
Monas is most easily accessible national parks, which is located at West Merdeka Square street. However, due to the government’s rule, motorcycles are not allowed to enter that street. To reach to the Monas via South Merdeka Square street, they should park their vehicle near the Lenggang Jakarta food court, which is called as IRTI Parking Area. They can also park their vehicle at Gambir Station.
Other hand, we simply take the Trans Jakarta bus, which is famously known as Busway. The landmark is accessible with Trans Jakarta, which will stop in Monas National Monument bus shelter. There are two options that we can choose to go to the Monas. If we come from Menteng, we will try the free city tour bus in Sarinah bus stop through the Sarinah mall so that the bus will arrive at the destination in only 10 minutes. Other hand, if we are on a walk in Kemang, we will take the busway with BLOK M-KOTA destination.

If we want to go to the Monas again, we will take the Trans Jakarta bus, which cost only Rp 3.500 per person. While entering the Monas, we were told that there were two different types of entrance ticket fee depending on which part of the monument that we want to explore. One for visiting the museum only and other for exploring the observation deck.
The entrance fee of cawan (grail or goblet) is Rp 2,000 for children, Rp 3.000 for college students and Rp 5.000 for adults. To reach the observation deck, one adult needs to pay Rp 15.000 and one children needs to pay Rp 4.000 for the lift. If we are college students, we should pay Rp 8.000 to reach to the top of Monas area. If we are not Jakarta citizens and didn’t own Jakarta-One card, we will have to pay an additional fee of Rp 15.000.
We were also told that the Monas were open daily from 08.00 in the morning until 3.00 in the afternoon, except for the last Monday of each month when the Monas are closed. Starting from the ticket counter, we can either visit History Museum in the basement level or climb up the stairs to Independence Room. After that, we can freely go into the monument area, such as the park and the fountain.
The first time I visited the Monas with my friends, I simply felt captivated. I found numerous local and foreign visitors pouring in. Once one approaches the building one feels lost to move away from it. Even if one has to go at last, one feels inclined to visit it again and again.

5 Alasan Memilih Jasa Pengiriman Kargo ABC Express

Meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi industri 4.0 seiring dengan meningkatnya pemakaian jasa pengiriman barang yang telah menjadi pilihan banyak orang untuk mengirimkan barang dengan layanan yang serba cepat. Oleh karena itu, setiap perusahaan logistik saat ini selalu menyediakan layanan pengiriman ekspres. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor kecepatan menjadi andalan utama dalam mengirimkan barang.
Maka dari itu, diperlukan usaha yang maksimal untuk memilih menggunakan jasa pengiriman barang yang terpercaya dan aman. Salah satu jasa pengiriman barang yang bisa Anda andalkan adalah ABC Express sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pengiriman barang yang berkualitas dan prima dengan harga kompetitif. Supaya tidak salah pilih, coba cek 5 alasan ini.

5 Alasan Pilih ABC Express
ABC Express salah satu perusahaan logistik dari Indonesia ini telah hadir sejak puluhan tahun dan memiliki segudang pengalaman di bidang jasa pengiriman kargo express. Bukan hanya pengiriman barang saja, ABC Express juga memberikan layanan jasa pengiriman mobil ke semua wilayah di Indonesia.

1. Terpercaya dari Waktu ke Waktu
Sejak didirikan perusahaan jasa ekspedisi barang sejak 2012, ABC Expresstelah hadir di Pulau Jawa dengan fokus pada jalur darat menggunakan kereta api. Sejak saat itu, ABC Express banyak mengalami perubahan menjadi sebuah penyedia jasa pengiriman kargo express yang memiliki 3 cabang di kota yang berbeda-beda, yaitu Jakarta, Surabaya dan Makassar. Dengan adanya 3 cabang kota tersebut, semakin banyak layanan dan inovasi yang dilakukan oleh ABC Express, salah satunya dengan memaksimalkan pelayanan secara online.

2. Sudah Dikenal di Indonesia
ABC Express pertama kali ini diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Persaingan jasa pengiriman barang yang kini semakin ketat membuat ABC Express selalu memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan secara berkelanjutan. Agar tingkat Standar Service Level (SSL) ini dapat dicapai, ABC Express menambah kapasitas layanan serta interkoneksi sarana transportasi antar kota maupun antar pulau.

3. Standar Harga Pengiriman yang Jelas
Menyadari kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia terhadap bisnis onlineABC Express memiliki standar pengiriman barang dengan harga yang jelas untuk setiap daerah. Sehingga Anda akan lebih mudah mengatur harga jual untuk sekaligus biaya pengiriman barang produksinya. Dengan menggunakan ABC Express, biaya ongkos kirim menjadi lebih murah atau ekonomis. Anda bisa request daftar harga (price list) di website ini.

4. Cepat dan Aman
Salah satu layanan jasa pengiriman barang yang disediakan oleh ABC Express adalah layanan pengiriman kargo express. Layanan pengiriman kargo express merupakan layanan premium untuk pengiriman barang dengan waktu yang lebih cepat dengan jangkauan luas ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Untuk keamanan barang saat pengiriman, ABC Express juga memberikan garansi asuransi kepada pelanggan jika terjadi kehilangan atau kerusakan barang kiriman Anda.

5. Prosedur Pengiriman Barang yang Praktis
Prosedurnya makin praktis jika Anda hanya tinggal memberikan barang kepada ABC Express, membayar dana, dan tunggu barang sampai tiba ke tempat tujuan. Bahkan Anda bisa juga mendapatkan jasa packaging dan pick-up barang kiriman tanpa mengantarkan barang ke tempat. Caranya adalah menelepon ABC Express sampai petugas akan menjemput barang kiriman.
Mau kirim barang lewat ABC Express? Silakan pesan di website Order Kirim. Jika Anda ingin cek resi barang, silakan hubungilah ABC Express melalui 082125800999. Bagikan bersama kami di Twitter dan Facebook, dengan hashtag #abcexpress #kotaAnda.

5 Keuntungan Jasa Ekspedisi Kargo ABC Express

Keberadaan jasa ekspedisi kargo dari perusahaan logistik seperti ABC Express telah membuat pengiriman barang menjadi lebih efisien dan praktis. Jasa ekspedisi barang dapat bekerja secara tim untuk mengantarkan berbagai jenis barang produksi atau jualan sebuah jasa atau usaha kepada para pelanggan. Beberapa jalur yang bisa digunakan untuk jasa ekspedisi barang adalah jalur darat, laut dan udara. Ketiga jalur tersebut yang bisa Anda pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan pengiriman barang yang Anda lakukan.

Manfaat Jasa Ekspedisi Kargo
Ketika melakukan pengiriman menggunakan ABC Express, Anda akan mendapatkan 6 keuntungan dalam jasa ekspedisi barang, diantaranya:

1. Mampu mengirim barang dalam jumlah tertentu
Salah satu keuntungan menggunakan jasa ekspedisi kargo adalah dapat mengirim barang dalam jumlah tertentu sesuai kebutuhan dan pesanan. Barang Anda akan dikirim ditimbang sesuai dengan berat dan ukuran barang. Setelah ditimbang, barang Anda akan disesuaikan dengan harga. Jika Anda ingin kirim barang sedikit dengan lokasi yang jauh, maka akan dikenakan biaya yang lebih besar.

2. Barang lebih cepat sampai ke tujuan
Keuntungan kedua dari jasa ekspedisi kargo adalah proses pengiriman barang ke tujuan. Jauh dekatnya lokasi tujuan ini dapat berpengaruh pada ongkos kirim barang yang harus dibayar. Barang Anda bisa dikirim sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan, seperti 1–2 hari. Jika Anda ingin barang lebih cepat sampai ke tujuan pihak penerima, maka bisa memilih pengiriman ekspres.

3. Efisiensi waktu
Keuntungan berikutnya adalah efisiensi waktu. Dengan jasa ekspedisi kargo, Anda bisa kirim barang dengan cepat ke lokasi tujuan. Sisanya, Anda bisa menghemat waktu untuk mencatat transaksi pengiriman barang secara online. Transaksi pengiriman barang yang dibutuhkan seperti pencatatan barang, timbangan barang, ongkos pengiriman, alamat yang dituju, dan pemberian informasi kapan barang tersebut akan sampai.

4. Asuransi barang kiriman
Keuntungan lainnya adalah jika barang produksi Anda yang dikirim ternyata telah rusak, cacat atau hilang, maka harus dilakukan melalui jasa pengiriman barang dengan pihak perusahaan logistik yang terpercaya. Biasanya jasa pengiriman barang yang baik akan secara sukarela memberikan jaminan asuransi sebagai penggantian kerusakan atau kehilangan barang kiriman.

5. Mudah untuk melakukan tracking
Jika Anda menggunakan jasa ekspedisi kargo yang terpercaya, maka Anda bisa mengecek posisi barang kiriman dengan menggunakan sistem tracking. Berikan nomor resi pengiriman pada pelanggan agar dia tahu dimana produk pesanannya berada. Sehingga customer merasa puas dan mau lanjut untuk memakai jasa pengiriman barang.

6. Mudah dilakukan
Keuntungan terakhir yang bisa didapat dari jasa ekspedisi kargo adalah mudah dilakukan oleh siapa saja yang membutuhkan. Biasanya pengirim barang adalah wirausaha yang berbisnis jual beli online serta pihak perusahaan lain yang melakukan kegiatan ekspor dan impor. Jika Anda ingin membeli barang dari produsen, maka bisa langsung pakai jasa ekspedisi kargo agar barang tersebut bisa cepat sampai ke lokasi Anda.

Itulah 6 keuntungan jasa ekspedisi kargo ABC Express bagi bisnis Anda.

Percayakan Ekspedisi Pengiriman Barang di ABC Express
Bagi Anda yang tengah mencari jasa pengiriman barang, bisa langsung pakai jasa dari ABC Express, penyedia jasa ekspedisi kargo Express dengan jangkauan layanan secara nasional dan internasional yang telah beroperasi sejak tahun 2012. Kami memiliki pengalaman dalam jasa pengiriman barang dengan layanan yang prima dan berkualitas.

Januari 04, 2019


      Halo semuanya!

      Kamu harus rajin belajar supaya bisa mendapatkan nilai bagus
      Kamu harus sungguh-sungguh belajar dan berusaha agar lebih baik

      Kamu harus semangat dan jangan menyerah

      Kamu jangan mengecewakan orang tua

      Kamu harus membuat orang tua bangga, bisa melihat kamu wisuda

      Kamu harus memikirkan masa depanmu

      Kamu harus mengejar cita-cita, impian dan passion kamu

      Tuhan memberkati!




Hello, everyone..

Thank you Jesus Christ for your blessings
Thank you Jesus Christ for your grace, love, joy and peace
Thank you Jesus Christ for bringing out the darkness into the joy of Your light

I pray that we want our relationship with God as our Leader to become more closer and stronger than we can. We wish that: 
+ we will be prepared to live this New Year under His guidance
+ we will make it a point to start each day of this New Year with a prayer. 
+ we will not be afraid to face life. 
+ we will keep trusting in Him so that everything will be fine.
+ we will keep moving on our journey. 

May this New year bring you an abundance of love, blessings, positive changes and success in every area of your life. Here's wishing you a Happy New Year 2019. 

P.S. I am not a fan of pig ><

                                                 IT'S YEAR OF THE EARTH PIG 2019 

God bless you all!



Freelancer Teacher
