Highlight ''Free-Spirit Person''

I like to be a free spirit. Some don’t like that, but 

that’s the way I am.

– Princess Diana-

''You’re Independent''

  • While it’s important to be compassionate, part of being a free spirit is making your own decisions and living your life how you choose.
  • Going with your own flow and creating your lifestyle. Having your own mind and faith in your abilities.
  • Making your own choices, being self-aware, and being able to think for yourself
  • Embracing what you want to do and doing it, regardless of other people’s opinions.

''You Travel When You Want To''

  • Being a free spirit means just that – your spirit, mind, and body are free to roam wherever they like.
  • Travel was so important that I was willing to cut those ties in pursuit of my own happiness.
  • If this isn’t resonating with you and you have no interest in travel, swap it for something that does matter to you. Maybe you love going to sports games or have a real passion for hiking. 
  • Free spirits know when to be selfish and put themselves first – if something matters to you, pursue it.

''You Have Your Own Hobbies and Interests''
  • Compassion is important. Something may not interest you, but if it interests someone you love, you should make an effort to get involved with it.
  • Care about other people’s hobbies and get involved in them. And expect the exact same thing in return. 
  • You should feel free to explore and enjoy whatever interests you, and you are more than right to expect support from those who love you. 
  • Sure, your hobbies are for yourself, but it’s always nice to be able to share them with those around you, even if they’re not as passionate about them as you are.
  • Find what interests you and pursue it, whatever it is.
  • Having your own passions and your own world to enjoy. Either let people join your quest for happiness as mentioned above, or accept the judgement and do it anyway.

''You Enjoy Your Own Company''

  • Aligning your mind and body is something that becomes really important to you as a free spirit.
  • Doing things that make you happy, being satisfied with being alone, and actively craving time on your own is all healthy and does not make you antisocial.
  • Making decisions for yourself and either embracing those who accept that or moving on to things and people that better serve you.
  • Either way, your mind will be actively seeking new pleasures, even if your circumstances stay pretty much the same.

''You Love Yourself ''

  • Being comfortable in your own skin, pursuing things that make you happy, and letting go of those that no longer serve you.
  • Taking responsibility for your actions and setting yourself free from anything that is holding you back.
  • Family and friends can be grounding, but you should never feel trapped.
  • Wandering from opportunity to opportunity or just enjoying the moment and letting go.
  • Having no fear and testing the limits of your comfort zone
  • Challenging yourself and making the most of every situation that may benefit you.
  • Looking after your own needs, and nourishing your mind and body however you can.


  1. To be a free spirit is to refuse to be tamed by fear of any kind. You feel it, as we all do, but you stand tall despite it and keep moving forward. Nothing– no person nor outer or inner force– will keep you from expressing your authentic self.
  2. To be a free spirit means you’re pulled in certain directions in a very deep and meaningful way. This is a sign that you have a deep understanding, and, therefore, appreciation for those things you have a connection to.
  3. Try leaving an unplanned weekend, for starters, and use the time to get out of the house and do something you’ve never done before.
  4. Learning to let some things go in life before they hold you back or weigh you down. As a free spirit, you can certainly still worry about and fight for things that matter. If something seems to be holding you back rather than helping you achieve your dreams, however, it might be time to let it go.
  5. Take advantage of opportunities to be spontaneous. There are many ways to learn and experience new things. A free spirit will seek out these opportunities:
  • Travel to a place you’ve never been before.
  • Try a new type of cuisine.
  • Get up and dance, right now, whether or not there’s any music.
  • Do a routine activity in a different way. Take a different way home for instance, or have your morning coffee on a walk rather than sitting at your breakfast table or in your car.
  • Offer free hugs.
  • Strike up a conversation with a stranger when you’re standing in line at a store—you never know what you might learn, or who you might meet.
  • Take up a new hobby or try to learn a new skill, and don’t be afraid of failing, or of what others will think.

      6. Learning to Be Positive:
  • Sit up straight. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Inhale deeply through your nose. You should feel the hand on your belly raise, but the hand on your chest should not move. Breathe out slowly, with your mouth barely open. Use your hand on your belly to push air out, if you want. Repeat this exercise ten times.
  • Quickly inhale and exhale through your nose (about three breaths a second), keeping your mouth closed. Then breathe normally. Repeat this process for fifteen seconds or more.
  • Remember that flaws, including physical imperfections, are part of what makes each person unique. Be proud of what makes you unique, and don’t constantly worry about being the same as others.

    7. Practice compassion. This includes being as forgiving to yourself as you would be to others. If            you are able to accept others for who they are, extend the same compassion to yourself.

    8. Practice tolerance. By being tolerant of other people, you will free your mind and emotions. Be          ready to accept differences in other people, and always ask yourself how you would feel or                  think if you were in their place.

   9. Enjoy significantly greater happiness when you spend your money on experiences, rather than             material goods.

In summary:
  • You have an immense passion to live a whole and fulfilling life
  • You desire freedom above all else
  • You're not afraid of being a lone wolf
  • You have a lust for adventure (whether internally, externally, or both)
  • You're willing to go beyond your comfort zone
  • You accept instability and a lack of security as a way of life
  • You're independent-minded
  • You can be volatile and capricious
  • You don't tolerate needy, clingy, judgemental or controlling people
  • You tend to be an unconventional thinker
  • You have a unique personal style
  • You're a "rule breaker"
  • You're artistic
  • You thirst for truth
  • You're an innovative dreamer


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