April 21, 2017


AHOK - The Jakarta Great Leader that I Have Seen.

He said to the citizen :

"Tidak ada seorangpun yang bisa menjabat, tanpa seijin Tuhan. Percayalah, bahwa kekuasaan itu Tuhan yang kasih, Tuhan yang mengambil. Jangan sedih, Tuhan selalu tahu yang terbaik karena kekuasaan itu dari Tuhan."

This man of God, thank you for being one super powerful example.
What a wonderful man of God. Who will still be humble like this even if there's a fact that disappoint you. No, for Ahok personally, its not disappointing. He's okay. He's perfectly fine. But us .......
 ðŸ˜­ðŸ˜­ Jesus super super loves you, Sir. Ahok.
❤️❤️❤️ maaann. You are one of kind!

#Speechless#April 17th#

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