Essay : Stuart Literature - How Did The Tudors Pay For Government?
Tudor Parliaments were an essential aspect of English government and administration in the sixteenth century. In fact, 16 th century government did less than 21 st century governments because they are the Reformation Parliament of 1529-1536. They have existed longer than any previous Parliament by enacting a serious of statutes, which transformed the relationship between the English Crown, the English people and the Church, as well as formally incorporating the principality of Wales into the kingdom of England. In 16 th century, tax was smaller proportion of Gross National Product (GNP) for public sector, i.e. tiny bureaucracy or civil service and so forth . The biggest expenses in peace time are that king or queen and family, household, palaces, defence and other things . Although law and order were an obvious part of government, it was in the hands of unpaid officers . It is clear that they were not realised when armies had to be raised for war or to suppress their ...